CySecK courses
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Past Courses

Course name:
Security concerns and risk management in information systems / Managing security risk in the information age from 28-Nov-2020 to 6-Dec-2020
Brief introduction of the topic:
This course focuses on security threat modeling, security risk assessment and managing. Course will have hands on sessions.
Course Instructors: Prof. Uma S and Dr. Pavan Kumar C.
Target Audience: Graduates, Faculty and Professionals.
Registration: Click here
Partnering institute: IIIT Dharwad
Schedule of the course: As described below
Dates | 10:00 AM-11:15 AM | 11:45 AM-1:00 PM | 2:30 PM-3:45 PM | ||
28-Nov-2020 | Threat and Vulnerability Landscape – Importance of Security controls and Security attributes | Tea Break | Security management – Assets selection Threat modeling and Risk assessments Zero Trust Model Monitoring of Risks | Lunch Break | Hands on Session – Metaspolit |
29-Nov-2020 | International Standards/Models for Cyber security control and management | Tea Break | CoBIT / ITIL / ITSM models and implementations for organizations/Institutes | Lunch Break | Hands on Session – Metaspoilt |
05-Dec-2020 | Industrial Applications of security – Network and OS security controls, Hardware and Software Security controls | Tea Break | Technology Based Cyber security controls | Lunch Break | Hands on Session – Metaspoilt |
06-Dec-2020 | Social Engineering and Social media offense and defense | Tea Break | Assessment |
Course name:
Security Concerns and Preventive Measures in Cloud Computing from 26-Sep-2020 to 4-Oct-2020
About the Program:
Recent advancement in hardware, networking, middleware, and virtualization technologies have led to an emergence of a new, geographically distributed computing platforms, known as Cloud Computing, that provide computational facilities (Computing, Storage and Network) as services accessible from anywhere via the Internet without significant investments in Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, and critical human resource or software licensing. This program will introduce the audience about security and privacy concerns in cloud computing, which makes the clients reluctant to adopt cloud computing despite all its benefits. Further, the program discusses the critical security and privacy challenges in the cloud computing, existing defense solution their strength and limitations. Furthermore, the program includes practical demonstration of cloud computing facilities on Amazon Web Services (AWS Cloud).
Target Audience: Graduates, Faculty and Professionals.
Course Instructor: Dr. Malay Kumar
Partnering institute: IIIT Dharwad
- Laptop/Desktop with Internet Connection
- AWS Free Account
- Basic Knowledge of Cloud Computing
Detailed course schedule:
Date | 10:00 AM-11 AM | 12 AM-1:00 PM | 2:30 PM-4:30 PM | ||
26-Sep-2020 | Cloud Security Preambles • Confidentiality • Integrity • Availability • Accountability | Tea Break | Threats to Confidentiality and Integrity • Cross Channel VM Attacks • Malicious SysAdmin • Data Loss/ Manipulation Preventive Measures • Placement Prevention • Co-Residency Detection • No Hypervisor • Trusted Cloud • Provable Data Possession • Proof of Retrievability | Lunch Break | Hands on Session: • AWS Cloud • Identity Access Management (IAM) • IAM Account • IAM User • IAM Group • IAM Role • IAM Policies |
27-Sep-2020 | Solution to Computational Integrity • Re-Computation • Replication • Auditing • Trusted Computing | Tea Break | Threat to Cloud Availability • Direct DOS • Indirect DOS Defence Strategy • Avoidance of DOS Attack • FRC Attack Detection | Lunch Break | Hands on Session: • AWS Cloud • Simple Storage System (S3) • S3 Security • S3 Policies • S3 Setup and Encryption |
03-Oct-2020 | Cloud Availability Issues (Cloud Outage): • SLA Violation • Identity of Adversary • Cloud Outage (Natural Calamities) • Inaccurate Billing | Tea Break | Existing Solutions: • Accountability on SLA • Accountable Virtual Machine • Collaborative Monitoring • Verifiable Resource Accounting | Lunch Break | Hands on Session: • AWS Cloud • Simple Storage System (S3) • S3 Security • S3 Policies • S3 Setup and Encryption |
04-Oct-2020 | Security Concern for Computation • Data Confidentiality • Computational Integrity • Computational Efficiency • Input Privacy • Output Privacy • Computation Over Encrypted Domain | Tea Break | Computational Outsourcing Solutions • General Transformation Based Encryption • Grabbled Circuit • Homomorphic Encryption | Lunch break | Online Assessment |
Course name:
Cyber Attack Detection and Mitigation Techniques From 27th -31st July 2020
Brief Introduction to the Topic:
This subject consolidates the student&participants understanding of Cyber Security by considering security principles, methodologies and technologies from a technical and management perspective used in practice. The subject allows students/participants to learn about and discuss various cyber-attack techniques used in practice, and methods to defend against such attacks using industry-standard tools and techniques. Topics include cyber-attacks and defenses, web security, firewalls, intrusion detection systems along with security services such as Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication (CIA) and technologies, Future Internet Architectures, Industry 4.0, Social Engineering followed by practicals and real time cases.
The primary objectives of the course are as follows:
• Introduce the participants to the fundamentals of Cyber Security, need of Cyber Security, various Cyber Attacks, and their mitigation techniques.
• Introduce the participants to various Open Source Tools related to Cyber Security.
• To enable the participants to analyze Cyber Attacks, Detection and Mitigation techniques.
• Strengthen the confidence level and capability of the participants in designing and developing Cyber Security Tools.
• Extend the theoretical concepts towards Cyber Security and provide solutions to address real-world problems.
• Enable to the participant to understand real-world problems in terms of Industry and their solutions, through case studies and live projects related to Cyber Security.
• To introduce participants to open problems in Cyber Security and give future research directions.
Name(s) of faculty / Industry taking the course:
Dr. S K Pal, Sc. G SAG -DRDO, Delhi
Dr. Bhawana Rudra
Dr. Jaidhar C D
Mr. Jayaram P, CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram
Mr. Venu Gopal, BriskinfoSec Solutions ltd, Chennai
Mr. Gaurav chadha, SAP Labs, Bangalore
Mr. Sebastian, Bosco, McAfee
Partnering institute:
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Course start date:
Last date for registration:
Eligibility criteria for applying for the course:
Undergraduate or Postgraduate students of engineering colleges in Karnataka
Detailed course schedule:
Date and Day | 10:00 AM-11:30 AM | 11:30 AM- 12:00 Noon | 12:00 AM-1:30 PM | 1:30 PM-2:30 PM | 2:30 PM-3:30 PM |
27-July-2020 Monday | Current Trends in Cyber Security (Dr S K Pal, Sc. G SAG -DRDO Delhi) Session material | Tea Break | Cyber attack trends & countermeasures (V Venkateswara Rao, Sc. D-Cert-in) Session material Session recording | Lunch Break | Security Analysis of Safety Critical and Control System (Dr. Lalit Singh, BARC) Session material |
28-July-2020 Tuesday | OWASP vulnerabilities and Vulnerabilities of voice-controlled systems and attacks (Session 1-Mr. Chetan and Session 2-Ms. Sahana) Session-1 material Session-1 recording Session-2 material Session-2 recording | Tea Break | Attacks and Mitigation techniques (Dr. Jaidhar C D) Session material | Lunch Break | Cloud Forensics (Dr. Digambar Pawar HCU- Hyderabad) Session material Session recording |
29-July-2020 Wednesday | Information Security in 2020: Challenges ahead and Blockchain Technology to the rescue (Dr.Rahul Johari) Session material Session recording | Tea Break | Internet Security Architectures: Research Issues (Dr. Bhawana Rudra) Session material Session recording | Lunch Break | Social Engineering (Mr. Venu Gopal, BriskinfoSec Solutions ltd, Chennai) Session material |
30-July-2020 Thursday | Web Application security (Mr. Gaurav chadha, SAP Labs, Bangalore) Session material Session recording | Tea Break | Latest trends in cyber crime Issues and challenges (I.L.NarasimhaRao Cyber Peace Foundation -Hyderabad) Session material Session recording | Lunch Break | Automatic Cyber Threat Detection and Analysis (Jayaram P, CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram) Session material Session recording |
31-July-2020 Friday | Reversing Binaries using Disassembler and Debugger (Sebastian, Bosco, McAfee) Session recording | Tea Break | Cyber Forensic Principles (Jayaram P, CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram) Session material Session recording | Lunch Break | Feedback Collection and Online Examination Result Declaration Dr. Bhawana Rudra (Dr. Jaidhar C D) |
Course name:
Cybersecurity and deep learning applications From July 15-22 July 2020
Name(s) of faculty taking the course:
Dr. Jothi Ramalingam
Dr. Anand Kumar M
Dr. Shahinaa
Ms. Rekha
Dr. Biju R
Dr. Bharathi Ganesh HB
Dr. Vinay Kumar
Partnering institute:
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Course start date:
Last date for registration:
Eligibility criteria for applying for the course:
Third Year UG/Final year UG/PG students of CSE/IT/ISE/ECE
Brief introduction of the topic:
Every day cyber attacks are evolving and getting more sophisticated. Taking advantage of the prevailing situation due to COVID-19 pandemic, cyber criminals have become more active as evidenced by recent ransomware and DoS attacks on major institutions. Since the attacks become very sophisticated enough to bypass the typical security measures enforced by firewalls and anti-virus systems, it is imperative to think beyond them and adapt to the growing challenges in cybersecurity. Intel recently reported that after the recent incident at the Indo-China border, China is planning cyber attacks on India’s Critical Infrastructure Systems. A Cyber war has the potential to cause more damage to the economy of the target nation than the war between the armed forces. Thus it is expected that we can witness more such cyberwars from the neighbouring nations as it is not easy to attribute the attack to any nation.
Artificial Intelligence, in particular deep learning, is spreading its wings as it has the potential to offer betterment to the existing solutions in almost every technology. Critical Information Infrastructure Systems built around technologies like AI/ML is rapidly increasing and therefore specialized cybersecurity measures must be adopted to safeguard both data as well as the systems providing the critical services. We have been witnessing in recent years that cybersecurity could be the killer application for deep learning. This course is intended to introduce the participants to the foundations of deep learning and its implications towards cybersecurity. After the course, the participants would get exposure to the various advanced topics in the field of cybersecurity and machine learning and would be motivated to pursue their career in these domains.
According to research by Symantec, nearly 8 out of 10 individuals are subject to the different types of harassment or bullying in India. Out of these, around 63% faced online abuses and insults, and 59% were subject to false rumours and hateful comments. Cyberbullying can frequently occur in social media, chat rooms, and gaming platforms where people can view and participate in the sharing of content. NLP techniques adapted for analyzing and identifying such comments in social media. There are language-specific challenges to handle the comments in Indian languages. Most of the existing Natural Language Processing tools have been developed for or trained on the general text. So the available models fail miserably on user-generated content in social media. The proposed Offensive and Hate Speech Detection models protect the women in social networks against the hateful, nasty comments. Automatic detection of abnormal messages allows for large-scale social media monitoring and reduces manual monitoring efforts on social media.
Target audience:
Undergraduate or Postgraduate students of engineering colleges in Karnataka
Detailed course schedule:
Timing | 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM | 11:00 AM – 12:40 PM |
Wednesday 15-July-2020 | Mathematical Foundations Dr. Jothi Ramalingam, NITK Session material Session recording | Deep Learning(DL) Dr. Anand Kumar M, NITK Sesion material Session recording |
Thursday 16-July-2020 | CNN & RNN for Cyber Security Applications Dr. Shahinaa, Professor, SSN Session material Session recording | DL Algorithms for Cybersecurity Session material & DL demo using TensorFlow Ms. Rekha Researcher, SETS Session material Session recording |
Friday 17-July-2020 | BREAK | |
Saturday 18-July-2020 | Cyber Bullying and Text Forensics Dr. Anand Kumar M, NITK Session material Session recording | Time Series Analysis in Cyber Security Dr. Biju R, NITK Session recording |
Sunday 19-July-2020 | BREAK | |
Monday 20-July-2020 | Cyber Security in Industry 4.0 Bharathi Ganesh HB Session material Session recording | Applied Cryptography Dr. Jothi Ramalingam, NITK Session material Webshell attacks – Prof Bhawana Rudra Session material Session recording |
Tuesday 21-July-2020 | Blockchain for strengthening cybersecurity, Dr Lakshmi Devi Scientist D, SETS Chennai Session material Session recording | Emerging cyber attacks and mitigation techniques Ms Rekha Session material Session recording |
Friday 24-July-2020 | Assessment Multiple Choice Question |